We can all benefit from adopting an assertive style in interactions with others, it is a communication philosophy and technique. It involves interacting with others in a confident and persistent manner, particularly when there is an element of conflict present.
There are no right or wrong answers when it comes to how you assert yourself but by increasing self-awareness you can increase your effectiveness in difficult situations.
Everyone is capable of creative thinking at some level. However, it is revealing to look closely at the barriers and enablers of creativity and to which ones are relevant. By doing this you can gauge how creative behaviour in your workplace right now, and identify how to make it more creative.
The Personal Creativity Assessment (PCA) allows an individual to quickly determine how they measure up in the realm of creativity. The 62-item assessment correlates to 31 creativity barriers and 31 creativity enablers. The PCA also provides useful instructions on how to overcome or enhance barriers and enablers.
Presented in a non-threatening format, the PCA is an excellent activity to conduct in a workshop or group setting where creativity is an issue.
Each of us only has 24 hours in a day and about 8 in a working day. So making the best of that time is critical to efficiency, managing performance, relationships and stress for everybody in the workplace - and life?
The Time Management Effectiveness Profile can be used individually or as part of a group workshop.
We all have various levels of self-worth. In the past, discussion about a person's self-worth was taboo and certainly not encouraged. The Self-Worth Inventory (SWI) is a simple yet powerful process to help measure your levels of self-worth in specific areas of your life. The SWI does not create self-worth; it confirms what is already true.
Reduce the negative impact that events have on an individual's self-worth levels. This can be achieved by a better understanding of situations and specific approaches for maintaining and increasing self-worth levels. Many organisations and individuals use the Self-Worth Inventory on a regular and planned basis
Identify your inherent entrepreneurial strengths and difficulties. Compare your character traits to those of other successful entrepreneurs. Learn specific ways to enhance entrepreneurial effectiveness and success. ALSO ONLINE*.
True job satisfaction is about more than money and security. Matching preferred work styles to relevant roles provides intrinsic rewards too. Job satisfaction is a tricky thing. Ideally, occupation would be consistent with personality and skills.
Identify the values that are most important to you and learn why they are. Understand how to increase your fulfilment and happiness in life. Develop a specific action plan that will move you toward bringing your most important values alive. ALSO ONLINE*.
The essential tool for facilitating the VPI, includes Presentation Outline, Main Concepts Script and Group Exercises.
Now in PDF format.
Provides additional insight into business tendencies, often typical of an individuals behaviour, and feedback to the ESSI
This 80-page practical guide will assist any professional educator, trainer, seminar leader or presenter to administer, interpret and apply the ESSI in a variety of settings.
Now in PDF format.
Think like an entrepreneur; improve your training session experience by using the ESSI Trainer's Guidelines in your presentation!
Support tool for the JSI to assist individuals wanting to assess job positions.