An instant hit since it was first introduced thirty years ago, Jungle Escape is an experiential training game that takes new and intact teams on an imaginative adventure: having just survived a crash-landing in a remote jungle, a team of engineers must build an escape helicopter using the spare parts they were transporting.
Jungle Escape isn’t just about fun and games, though. Real learning is quickly absorbed by the players as they discover and practice the critical skills surrounding the processes of team planning, problem-solving, and decision-making. Before they know it, they’ve experienced first-hand the research-proven differences between a well-functioning 'Cohesive' team and a 'Fragmented' or 'Divergent' one.
Jungle Escape is an effective, reliable classic team building simulation!
An insightful realistic hands-on simulation, designed to provide individuals and teams with the opportunity to experience communication and collaboration across both internal and external boundaries that simulate working in a remote and dispersed team.
Extra Participant Booklet (4th Edition while stocks last)
1 bag of game parts to train an additional team of 4-8 participants. All parts are reusable.
Complete Team Version Kit introduces the basic teamwork concepts such as interdependence, common goals, continuing interaction, valuing diversity, and creating a supportive work environment.
Extra Participant Booklet (1st Edition while stocks last)
1 Extra Leadership Module Workbook (38 pages)
Extra Game pack for one additional team of up to 6 participants.
1 Extra TEAM Module Workbook (30 pages)
This PDF brochure contains information about Jungle Escape and its product components. Just add your selection to cart (as if shopping) and once registered on this website, go to the "MY ACCOUNT" section. There you will be able to access your Downloads.
A highly engaging experiential exercise that challenges teams to race against the clock (and other teams) to build the tallest ship mast at the lowest cost. Players not only learn the skills behind the seven critical factors deemed by researchers as the most important to effective performance, they also actually practice them
Extra Game Pack: Order If Training More Than 21 Participants at One Time
For training sessions with more than three teams, order one Extra Game Pack for each additional team of up to seven participants. Includes: 1 set of ship parts, 7 participant booklets and 7 team flags.