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Why Aren’t You More Like Me?

Discover the Foundation of Personal and Professional Success with CRG’s Expertly Designed eCourse

  • Are You Ready to learn how to improve your life, relationships, and interactions with others?
  • RADICALLY improve your Self-Confidence and Transform into your Best self!
  • Learn how to Uncover the styles of others EASILY so you can communicate effectively!

Unlock Your Confidence: Boosting Self-Esteem & Mental Health/Wellness

Transform your life with CRG’s expertly designed eCourse. Gain 23 life-changing lessons that enhance your self-worth and mental well-being.


  • Self-Worth Inventory (SWI) Assessment + Personalised 16-page Report
  • 4 hours of engaging video training
  • 23 easy-to-follow modules
  • Downloadable 300+ slide deck
  • 20 fun quizzes
  • Certificate of completion

Invest in yourself and unlock your true potential today!


What Do You Really Value?

Learn What Motivates Yourself and Others!

Every day, your choices reveal what you really value...

   ...or maybe they don’t because you have never confirmed your core values.


Dying to Live

Did you know that over 90% of all illnesses are lifestyle-related and over 50% of the global workforce is highly stressed? 


Why Don’t You Sell The Way That I Buy?

The Why Don’t You Sell The Way That I Buy? ™ eCourse is designed to show you EXACTLY how to improve your sales through mastering YOUR selling style (self-awareness) and understanding your client buying style!

RADICALLY improve your Self-Confidence and Transform into your Best self!


The Quest For Purpose

Gallup research confirmed that nearly 90% of employees are indifferent or actively disengaged at work. Less than 10% of the population believes that they are living a fulfilling life On Purpose!

These are disturbing statistics. That means there is a 9 out of 10 chance that you are one of these unfulfilled individuals—would you like to change that? The Quest For Purpose is a roadmap for assisting individuals to live a life full of meaning, significance, and purpose.
