Leadership Skills Assessments

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What's My Leadership Style

Create and improve leadership skills for managers, supervisors and others.

The What’s My Leadership Style assessment and training workshop identifies the participants own style, and helps you to understand your own behaviour as well as that of others. This understanding of your own leadership style enables you to grasp the unique benefits and avoid potential pitfalls, and adapt to achieve greater impact and effectiveness. This is useful for experienced and aspiring managers & supervisors or ‘influencers’.

Leadership is a skill, like any other that can be learned & improved!


From £25.00 excl VAT

Strategic Leadership Type Indicator

The Standard in 4-quadrant Leadership Assessments

The Strategic Leadership Type Indicator assessment process is a complete development cycle for supervisors or leaders:

Complete a self-assessment and discover preferred leadership strategies for a variety of contexts...and how to select the most appropriate. Then use these strategies to develop direct reports, and move them toward higher autonomy, competence, and improved productivity.

You'll appreciate its simplicity, combined with ample support materials and without burdensome and expensive certification requirements. Managers and supervisors will like the emphasis on learning the appropriate use of four different management styles. The SLTi helps build the coaching style widely considered the most flexible and motivational for today's leaders.

From £16.39 excl VAT

The Visionary Leader

Leadership is not confined to management

The Visionary Leader self-assessment enables the user to measure their own leadership skills across 10 key areas. An additional option is the 360 degree version that gains the insight of others.

A great tool to increase self-awareness and facilitate personal development plans.

The Visionary Leader helps your leaders to be more effective by identifying the strengths, limitations and impact of their leadership style.

From £6.60 excl VAT

Campbell Leadership Descriptor

Become a powerful and effective leader

Successful leadership is based on key components. The Campbell Leadership Descriptor (CLD) is designed to help individuals identify the essential characteristics of successful leadership. By increasing awareness of these and benchmarking themselves the user can evaluate their leadership strengths and create an action plan for improvement.

An excellent tool for proactive leadership skills development.

From £0.00 excl VAT

Supervisory Skills Questionnaire Self Assessment 4th Edition

A comprehensive and practical assessment tool that helps supervisors to focus on the 5 most critical skills for effective supervision. ALSO ONLINE*.


Leadership Effectiveness Profile

This assessment focuses on the eight most-often-cited behaviours or attitudes. ALSO ONLINE*.


Jonico Window - Self

Effective, results driven delegation

Delegating effectively is an increasingly important skill in today’s working environment. The Jonico Window is a clear and powerful tool for increasing understanding & awareness of how to use delegation and empowerment. As with much else our own style affects how we use those skills, Jonico increases the participants awareness of the impact of their own approach.

The proven tool for everybody who wants to delegate effectively for results.


Managing by Motivation-Questionnaire

A revised and improved 16-page version of the classic MbM instrument. This 20-item, 15 minute, self-scoring assessment from leadership authority Marshall Sashkin uncovers your motivations, teaching you to use natural instead of external motivators with direct reports.


Project Leadership Assessment Participant Guide

This is an innovative learning instrument that focuses on the necessary 'people skills' by evaluating behaviour in five vital skill areas. Perfect for anyone who has project management responsibilities, regardless of title or reporting relationship to the project team.


Jonico Window Facilitator Guide

A tool to improve delegation and empowerment skills

60 page comprehensive trainer guide includes PowerPoint Presentation covering the key points as well as a copy of each of the participant workbooks

£43.45 excl VAT