The range of Creativity and Presentation products includes inventories and assessments to help participants uncover and develop workplace creative skills. The products are supported by comprehensive Facilitator Guides.
Creativity now tops the list of critical ‘soft skills’. The ability to make new things or think of new ideas demonstrably makes a substantial contribution to performance and profitability. Through systematic development individuals and teams are able to improve their creative problem-solving skills and manage their creativity.
Becoming more productive and creative enables individual and organisations to become more effective leaders in today's competitive markets. Your competition is likely to target it as a skill for development now and in the future - and you should, too.
Creativity doesn't need to be seen as only the domain of 'creative types.' Any individual in the right circumstances can exhibit it, just by having a new or different view.
In other words, creativity is having an alternative or different perspective from everyone else. This can be especially useful in work, group or familiar settings where most people generally think in the same, traditional way.
So everybody can contribute creatively, The Creativity & Innovation Effectiveness Profile will help to refine and develop confidence and skills.
Speaking in front of others can be a confusing and even terrifying experience But you can successfully train your participants, even those with no prior experience, to effectively prepare and deliver presentations?
The Presentation Skills Profile (PSP) takes the mystery out of designing and delivering high-impact presentations.
Designed to ease the stress associated with public presentations, by analysing how the respondent prepares and delivers presentations, provides an opportunity for peer feedback on a specific presentation, and then offers a walk-through of preparation and delivery for future presentations.
Online Assessment Option:Order One Per Participant.
The online assessment is administered to participants through the online portal (which you will be sent access to) and includes personalised reporting, full-colour charts, interpretive information, worksheets, and action planning. A detailed report is delivered electronically to the facilitator/administrator when complete. The trainer can control if the participant can access their report.
You will receive the assessment link/info via a separate email.
When people are asked to describe a creative person, they usually come up with terms such as artistic, imaginative, or entrepreneurial. But the fact is everyone is creative. Just as there are multiple styles of intelligence, there are multiple styles of creativity that produce different yet equally valuable results.
And when organisations integrate creativity into their DNA, they can achieve significant benefits, including better team performance, increased flexibility, greater retention rates, creative problem-solving – and a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
The Breakthrough Creativity Profile Second Edition is an excellent tool for uncovering and developing creative talents in the workplace.
Everyone is capable of creative thinking at some level. However, it is revealing to look closely at the barriers and enablers of creativity and to which ones are relevant. By doing this you can gauge how creative behaviour in your workplace right now, and identify how to make it more creative.
The Personal Creativity Assessment (PCA) allows an individual to quickly determine how they measure up in the realm of creativity. The 62-item assessment correlates to 31 creativity barriers and 31 creativity enablers. The PCA also provides useful instructions on how to overcome or enhance barriers and enablers.
Presented in a non-threatening format, the PCA is an excellent activity to conduct in a workshop or group setting where creativity is an issue.
This sample will enable you to assess the product more fully. Just add your selection to cart (as if shopping) and once registered on this website, go to the "MY ACCOUNT" section. There you will be able to access your Downloads.
1 bag of game parts to train an additional team of 4-8 participants. All parts are reusable.
This sample will enable you to assess the product more fully. Just add your selection to cart (as if shopping) and once registered on this website, go to the "MY ACCOUNT" section. There you will be able to access your Downloads.
The realities of dynamic and changing marketplaces, including intense competition, new technologies, and increasing customer demands, require that traditional management methods change.
Organisations of the future will be judged on the quality of their ideas and the speed these ideas can be translated into viable products or services that sell in the marketplace.
Creative ideas are often unanticipated or from unexpected sources so the best companies are looking for ways to create a culture that actively promotes these improvements and innovations. They will typically feel like a small company culture in which ideas come from everywhere and employees have extensive relationships with customers and suppliers in order to stay close to their needs.
Companies will need to encourage 'boundarylessness,' breaking through organisational lines up, down, and across so that good ideas are invited and harvested regardless of where they originate.