Leaders are made, not born. You know that effective and successful leadership is not an accident and requires specific and measurable skills. The head of every successful organisation consistently tones and maintains his leadership muscle.
The 20-page Leadership Skills Inventory (LSI-S) provides leaders with the necessary metrics to identify and develop their transformational leadership skills.
Assesses 6 key skills, including Connecting People with Purpose, Encouraging Ownership, Focusing Efforts on Smart Work, Building Competence, Recognising Achievements, and Respecting the Individual.
Helps identify the 7 key characteristics of an effective leader. Assesses how an individual behaves in their leadership role with the team, and self-assesses the frequency with which each of 49 leadership behaviours are used.
The 30-item self assessment associated with the LPI 5th Edition product suite. Requires the LPI Facilitator Guide for scoring.
Designed to help both new and seasoned managers acquire and develop the ability to be flexible. The 40-item self-assessment is available in both paper and online formats. Order one assessment and workbook per learner. ALSO ONLINE*.
...because performance depends not only on the quality of the single players but on the network of relationships and interactions between them. The same is true for any team, organisation or business
The Guide to Leading Your Network will identify and make the most of the informal networks that inevitably exist within all teams and organisations to get things done.
It will help you become a better leader and manager of your own team; it will also help make you a better network leader, able to work across team and departmental boundaries.
Identify the values that are most important to you and learn why they are. Understand how to increase your fulfilment and happiness in life. Develop a specific action plan that will move you toward bringing your most important values alive. ALSO ONLINE*.
The Best Boss Inventory is a self-administered learning instrument that yields an Overall Boss Score, as well as separate scores for each of the 6 Best Boss Indicators.