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Persuade: How to persuade anyone about anything

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The Profit Secret: How to sell more at a higher margin


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2025 Emotion Quarterly Notebook Planner A5

Bring a little kudos to your world!

With new colours and design so it still stands out from the crowd, this new set of Emotion Notebooks, contains 4 quarterly notebooks with three months in each book, with two pages per day in a cool contemporary layout.


2025 Executive Quarterly Notebook Planner A5

Stand out from the crowd with these Executive Notebooks.

Bound in soft feel leather effect PU, with striking material finish, with different colours for each quarter. Understated maybe, but with a twist of individuality that will set you apart.

The new set contains 4 quarterly notebooks with three months in each book, with two pages per day in a cool understated layout.


Why Aren’t You More Like Me? (eBook)

Discover the Secrets to Understanding Yourself and Others

Without this book, you have only scraped the surface of understanding personal style.

Would you like to know more about style and how you can use it to improve your life, relations and interactions with others?


3hag Way

3HAG WAY: The Strategic Execution System that ensures your strategy is not a Wild-Ass-Guess!

Every company needs a 3HAG—a 3 Year Highly Achievable Goal! The 3HAG WAY is a prescriptive framework that takes the guessing out of your strategy and ensures that you and your whole team are confident in where you are going. It breaks your strategy down into a clear and simple picture—so clear and simple that the whole team will be able to see where the company is going and where it will end up in three years’ time. This strategic clarity will align, engage, and empower your team to make confident decisions in order to achieve your 3HAG.

You’ll find step-by-step instructions to gut out your first 3HAG while building the confidence required to execute with speed toward your goals. The core purpose of this book is to have a significant impact on CEOs, leaders, and their companies and enable them to confidently realize their goals more quickly than they thought possible. And by achieving these goals they will positively impact their families and their communities.

Whether you run a team of four, forty or 40,000, the tools and framework in this book will help you articulate your company’s strategy in simple terms and create a Strategic Execution System that works. We’re going to take each step of the strategy and break it down for you so that you know exactly how to take these steps and why they’re critical to achieving your goal.

Available in Paperback, Audiobook and Kindle Edition


Art Of Facilitation

How to get groups to work with one another within any business organisation

Available in Paperback, Hardcover and Kindle Edition


Born to Win

Born to Win - Find Your Success Code.

Zig Ziglar's ultimate book compresses over four and one-half decades of life changing tools and practices into an inspiring, concise, easy to use format for bottom line people who want to grow and improve the whole spectrum of their life "right now!"

Readers will learn that when you have the hope that things can change, and a plan to make that change possible, then you can and will take action.

Available in Paperback and Kindle Edition


CREATE Motivation: Unlock the Leader Within

The average employee will endure (rather than enjoy) 64,000 hours’ work in their lifetime: 40 hours a week, more than 40 weeks a year, for over 40 years.

So how do we change the world of work so it’s good for business and good for people?

Whether you have just started your first job or are the CEO of a company, the exercises in this book will help you harness your motivation so you can become the leader you want to be and the world needs. CREATE Motivation offers a powerful yet simple-to use model that will help you to:

• Identify what has led to your successes (and failures) to date
• Develop a compelling vision of your future as a leader
• Tap into your intrinsic motivation so you can sustain higher levels of performance
• Know how to inspire others to do the same

Available in Paperback and Kindle Edition


Creating Clarity: Transform Your Work with the Power of Visual Tools

Do you want more people to buy into your ideas? Are you frustrated with too many unproductive meetings?

Are you struggling to find your way in life? Do you need a new approach to solve the complex challenges of today?

If so, visual tools are your answer! In this book, Holger Nils Pohl will help you harness numerous visual tools to create value for your business, your customers, and even your private life. And it all starts with a simple but powerful three-stage process: Understand, Create, and Share.

However, Creating Clarity is more than just a toolkit, it also provides you with a new way of thinking that will help you successfully navigate the complex challenges of the 21st century by allowing you to communicate well with others and transform the chaos into clarity.

Available in Paperback and Kindle Edition
