Job Style Indicator - Online Credit


Category: Online Assessments
Code: 4004-EA

Online Assessment Option: Order One Per Participant.

The Online JSI can be completed 24/7, as long as you or your client have an Internet connection. The Online JSI automatically calculates your scores and determines which of the 21 JSI style pattern(s) applies to your specific position.

You will receive the assessment link/info via a separate email.

An overview from the co-author - Ken Keis

The Online JSI can be completed 24/7, as long as you or your client have an Internet connection. The Online JSI automatically calculates your scores and determines which of the 21 JSI style pattern(s) applies to your specific position.

The Job Style Indicator (JSI) does not determine what career you or another person should consider. Rather, it helps you measure the work style requirements of a specific job, role, or responsibility.

The JSI has an additional work behavioral grid that helps you establish the preferred working behaviors for both tasks and interpersonal skills.

How much does it cost to put the right person into the wrong job? The training, the upheaval in the office, and the stress of firing someone makes the Job Style Indicator priceless! Identify the right job for the right person the FIRST TIME!

Unless the style pattern of the person and the working style of the position match, the individual's motivation and level of engagement is simply not sustainable.

Use the JSI to:

• Clarify Responsibilities

• Confirm Expectations

• Establish Mutual Understanding

• Confirm Work Style Needs.

Use it for:

• Employees

• Prospective Employees

• Clients of Job Centers or Coaches

• Professional Contracts

• Teams, to Build Performance.


Attribute name Attribute value
FORMAT Self-scoring instrument
AUDIENCE All organisation members
TIME REQUIRED 1 - 1½ hours