Job Style Indicator - Online Sample Report


Category: Online Assessments
Code: 4004EASAMPLE

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The Job Style Indicator (JSI) is theomplement to the PSI. The JSI provides a graphic picture of the style requirements of a particular job. It can be completed by managers, post-holders, co-workers and job applicants to specify the behavioural style requirements they perceive are necessary to perform a job successfully.

This analysis can then be used to help match people to jobs, identify and resolve differences in perceptions in the way a job should be carried out, signal specific strengths and difficulties, and determine areas for improvement.

The JSI is self-scoring, providing immediate perception results. Four total scores are generated, one for each of the Personal Style Dimensions.

• Behavioural Actions (Changing Things)

• Cognitive analysis (Handling Data)

• Interpersonal Harmony (Relating with People)

• Affective Expressions (Exploring Ideas)

Uses and Applications

Suggested uses for this instrument include:

• Clarify Responsibilities

• Confirm Expectations

• Establish Mutual Understanding

• Confirm Work Style Needs

• Employees

• Prospective Employees

• Career Centres and Recruitment Agencies

• Intentional Team Building.