The Manager's Pocket Guide to Dealing with Conflict


Category: Bookshelf
Code: 4434

Conflict causes stress, low morale, and decreased productivity. This pocket guide is for leaders who want to learn skills that will prevent and resolve conflicts and ensure a better working environment.

In this pocket book, the author has drawn from many people and diverse organisational settings to provide real examples of workplace conflicts. If you are a person less than confident and successful in dealing with conflicts, this book is aimed at you. You will learn how to help yourself and your employees face and deal with conflicts. By dealing with these conflicts you will improve interpersonal relationships and productivity.

The seven stage model ensures that individuals explore conflicts from many angles. We first need to recognise the messages we carry from our early years so we can identify their potency in how we deal with conflicts today. We all move into adulthood with too few skills to deal with conflicts successfully.

In this compact book the author has put together over twenty five years of experience with conflict and specific ideas on how to deal with conflicts.

Readers will learn how to recognise patterns of conflict, identify causes of conflict, prevent conflicts from developing (and escalating), and apply conflict resolution techniques. By mastering these skills managers will be able to better serve their employees, helping them to navigate through interpersonal conflicts and maintain workplace productivity.

Selected Contents

• Because You're Human, You'll Have Conflicts

• Naming Your Conflicts

• How Do You React to Conflicts?

• What Causes Conflicts?

• You Can Prevent Some Conflicts!

• More Ways to Resolve Your Conflicts

• Learning from Your Conflicts

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FORMAT Paperback Book
AUDIENCE All leaders
AUTHOR Lois B. Hart