Stress Indicator and Health Planner Online Credit


Category: Online Assessments
Code: 4007-EA

Online Assessment: Order One Per Participant.

The Online Stress Indicator and Health Planner can be completed 24/7, if you or your client have an Internet connection. The Online version automatically calculates and totals your responses to each of the 5 sections and 120 questions. Includes all the content of the print-based assessment. 

 The Online SIHP is a powerful option to enhance any wellness, professional development, and/or educational processes.

You will receive the assessment link/info via a separate email.

Responding to 120 questions, you establish your stress and wellness levels in 5 specific sections: Personal Distress (observable through physical, psychological, and behavioural symptoms); Interpersonal Stress; Wellness Assessment (including nutritional and health practices); Time; and Occupational Stress.

Armed with your results, you progress to Part 2 of this assessment, The Health Planner — 12 pages of specific strategies, techniques, and action items where you can make positive changes for improved health, performance, and quality of life.

What to order: You will need 1 Paper or Online assessment per participant. For maximum benefit, purchase 1 Facilitator Guide per trainer. 

Use the SIHP to

  • Identify where your client is stressed in 5 critical areas
  • Determine targeted action plans to overcome the stressors
  • Incorporate healthy behaviours and relaxation skills into daily routines
  • Prioritise tasks
  • Increase job satisfaction
  • Improve Quality of life.

Use it for

  • Health Practitioners and their clients
  • Each family member
  • Your clients
  • Yourself
  • Human Resources Managers
  • Professionals
  • Supervisors.

After you complete the Stress Indicator, you will have greater awareness and insight regarding potential risk areas that interfere with optimal health, performance, and long-term enjoyment of life. The knowledge you gain from this assessment will enable you to plan for increased health and vitality.

Support your clients and employees in creating healthy lifestyles. Incorporate the Stress Indicator and Health Planner into your business today.

The Stress Indicator and Health Planner Trainers Guidelines was developed to help individuals learn how to identify the main factors that lead to stress in their lives and areas of unhealthy living. It is designed so that trainers can help participants better understand how these internal influences direct their daily lives, and impact their personal and working relationships.

Main Concepts

  • Know how to administer the Stress Indicator and Health Planner (SIHP)
  • Know the definition and importance of stress and distress
  • Be able to discuss how unmet needs impact stress levels
  • Be able to discuss the relationship between stress and health
  • Know how stress can be related to personal style dimensions (optional)
  • Be able to develop and discuss a team stress profile

SIHP Development

The SIHP was developed with eight key assumptions in mind.

  1. Most individuals would value information that would improve their wellness.
  2. Most individuals do not know how distressing certain life events can be.
  3. Wellness is complex, with many factors contributing to it.
  4. Wellness is psychological as well as physical.
  5. Increased and unmanaged stress can break down wellness.
  6. Stress is created internally as well as externally.
  7. Behaviour has consequences: some positive and some negative.
  8. Wellness can be improved with a proper Health and Wellness plan.

Attribute name Attribute value
FORMAT Online Assessment
OBJECTIVE To help assess your current levels of stress and health