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The Stress Indicator and Health Planner is a self-administered, self-scored instrument designed to help you assess your current levels of stress and health. It can assist you to develop a plan to enhance your overall wellness and decrease your stress levels.
Do you know anyone with a little stress? Stress and Health are two topics that affect everyone. The Stress Indicator and Health Planner (SIHP) assesses your clients’ current level of stress and health. Use it to understand how to enhance overall well-being, manage stress, and improve performance. Life is too short to die from a heart attack at the halfway mark!
Use the SIHP to
• Identify where your client is stressed
• Determine an action plan to overcome the stressors
• Incorporate healthy behaviours and relaxation skills into daily routines
• Prioritise tasks
• Increase job satisfaction.
Use it for
• Health Practitioners and their clients
• Your life partner — now
• Your clients
• Yourself
• Human Resources Managers
• Professionals
• Supervisors
After you complete the Stress Indicator, you will have greater awareness and insight regarding potential risk areas that interfere with optimal health, performance, and long-term enjoyment of life. The knowledge you gain from this assessment will enable you to plan for increased health and vitality.
The Health Planner is designed to provide practical information to assist you in making choices that will move you in the direction of your wellness goals.
Support your clients and employees in creating healthy lifestyles. Incorporate the Stress Indicator and Health Planner into your business today.