Encouraging Innovation Through 5 Key Conversations

The challenge of encouraging innovation

The realities of dynamic and changing marketplaces, including intense competition, new technologies, and increasing customer demands, require that traditional management methods change.

Organisations of the future will be judged on the quality of their ideas and the speed these ideas can be translated into viable products or services that sell in the marketplace.

Creative ideas are often unanticipated or from unexpected sources so the best companies are looking for ways to create a culture that actively promotes these improvements and innovations. They will typically feel like a small company culture in which ideas come from everywhere and employees have extensive relationships with customers and suppliers in order to stay close to their needs.

Companies will need to encourage 'boundarylessness,' breaking through organisational lines up, down, and across so that good ideas are invited and harvested regardless of where they originate.

Category: Assessments
Picture of Encouraging Innovation Through 5 Key Conversations Participant Booklet

Encouraging Innovation Through 5 Key Conversations Participant Booklet


Managers can tap into their employees’ creative processes and encourage ownership of the innovation each step of the way

Code: 594
Picture of Encouraging Innovation Through 5 Key Conversations Facilitator Set

Encouraging Innovation Through 5 Key Conversations Facilitator Set


Innovative leaders have the skill to encourage innovation in others, creating informal and formal systems that invite, support, and reward innovation. Used to assess a manager or team leader's current skill level in encouraging innovation in employees.

Code: 594FG

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