Speaking in front of others can be a confusing and even terrifying experience for many people. So how can you successfully train your participants, even those with no prior experience, to effectively prepare and deliver presentations?
The Presentation Skills Profile (PSP) takes the mystery out of designing and delivering high-impact presentations
Designed to ease the stress associated with public presentations, PSP analyses how the respondent prepares and delivers presentations, provides for peer feedback on a specific presentation, and then offers a walk-through of preparation and delivery for future presentations.
PSP Learning Outcomes
- Identify and set presentation objectives
- Discover how to analyse and involve the audience
- Learn how to design and display effective visual aids
- Practice staging presentations
Theory behind the PSP
The Presentation Skills Model at the centre of the Presentation Skills Profile shows the influences of the relevant literature on presentation skills, including the work of Holcombe and Stein and others. The model contains the 6 Presentation Questions that help individuals turn lacklustre presentations into engaging dialogues with their audiences.
What to order: You will need 1 Paper or Online Self-Assessment per participant. For maximum benefit, purchase 1 Facilitator Guide per trainer and to gain feedback purchase 1 Feedback booklet per person giving feedback (3 feedbacks per participant is recommended).
How The PSP Works
The assessment presents 48 statements regarding preparation and delivery of presentations. In scoring the assessment, participants determine their Overall Presentation Effectiveness Score. In addition, participants create a self-profile showing strengths and areas of improvement (relating to the 6 questions of The Presentation Skills Model). Feedback forms submitted by peers provide data to create a second — or “feedback” —profile. Finally, participants complete worksheets for preparing and delivering a future presentation.
Uses for the Presentation Skills Profile
Presentation Skills Profile is designed for use by anyone who is called upon to prepare and deliver presentations. Those who require their audience to agree with a conclusion and/or course of action will gain particular benefit by using the profile.
The model upon which the instrument is based may be applied in the following types of presentations
- Sales presentations (including presentations that require audiences to make a decision)
- Motivational speeches
- Coaching and training sessions
- Information briefings
- Entertainment
Presentation Skills Profile can be used to evaluate a specific presentation, measuring progress in preparing and delivering presentations. As with all HRDQ tools, the assessment is effective when used alone or as the centrepiece of a workshop or longer programme on presentation skills.