Zombie Outbreak Facilitator Guide

£175.50 excl VAT

Category: Simulations
Code: 245G

Does your team understand the concept of synergy? Help team members to develop vital group-process skills with Zombie Outbreak.

Zombie Outbreak is an excellent tool for teams struggling or working under pressure.

There's one reason why training simulations are a popular choice for team development training. They work! That's because they're an effective way to introduce the concept of synergy and help team members quickly develop vital group-process skills such as consensus decision making, problem solving, communication, and conflict resolution in a non-threatening learning environment.

Each adventure simulation in HRDQ's Team Adventure Series starts with a suspense-filled scenario that challenges teams to work together to escape danger with only limited resources - and each other. While most people can rest assured knowing they'll never encounter these survival situations, they do experience the similar feelings of stress and conflict that accompany everyday organisational life.


The Zombie Outbreak Scenario

It's a Monday morning in downtown Colorado Springs. The day starts out as every other. You arrive at the office, ready to begin work. You spend some time greeting a new employee and chatting with your co-workers. Someone brings up a news story about three people who were killed over the weekend – rumor has it – by zombies. Conversation ensues about the probability of such an occurrence when there is a sudden frenzy in the office over an employee who appears to be acting out of sorts, going as far as biting another person. The rumour suddenly becomes a reality. You and your four co-workers quickly realise that you must work together to make some vital decisions on what to do and how to best equip yourselves in order to survive the developing zombie outbreak.

Learning Outcomes

• Allow your team to practice team decision making under pressure.

• Provide an opportunity for your team to practice interpersonal skills, such as active listening, questioning, and confronting behaviours, in a realistic setting.

• Illustrate the concept of team synergy.

• Provide you with a non-threatening opportunity to work together.

Following the introduction of the survival scenario, participants are challenged to rank six action options and 15 survival items - first as individuals and then a second time as a team. Participants compare their Team Scores to the Best Individual Score and expert rationale to determine if synergy was achieved. The three-hour workshop explores the concept of synergy and consensus decision making. It also helps teams to develop vital group-process skills such as interpersonal communication and problem solving.

Uses and Applications

Zombie Outbreak can be used as a standalone training instrument or incorporated into a more comprehensive program on teambuilding. It's also effective as a component for problem-solving and decision-making training programs

Whilst a fun activity the underlying benefits include:


• "Breaking the ice" among new or conflicted teams.


Illustrate the concept of team synergy.


• Give teams a non-threatening opportunity to work together.


• Help teams practice consensus decision making.


• Improve active listening, probing, and confronting behaviours in a realistic setting.


• Train team leaders in team facilitation skills.


• Introduce an organisational change.


Interject a fun activity into an otherwise serious agenda.

The Zombie Outbreak Facilitator Guide includes everything trainers need to lead the simulation and classroom training workshop, from comprehensive background information and expert rationale, to a step-by-step workshop outline, action planning, a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, and sample Participant Guide.

Attribute name Attribute value
FORMAT Simulation
OBJECTIVE Build the skills for teams to achieve synergy
AUDIENCE Individuals or teams that need to solve problems quickly and efficiently
AUTHOR HRDQ Research & Development Team

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