£175.50 excl VAT

Category: Simulations
Code: 244FG

Includes facilitator guide, workshop instructions, sample participant materials, and PowerPoint presentation

Whiteout Learning Outcomes

• Illustrate the concept of team synergy

• Develop and practice consensus decision-making skills

• Learn how to manage and resolve group conflict

• Hone group problem-solving skills

• Improve communication

Uses for Whiteout

HRDQ Team Adventure survival simulations are popular because of their great flexibility. Whiteout lends itself easily to many different applications, including:

• Icebreaker

• Open or close a team learning event

• Standalone team training tool

• Component of a larger team training initiative

• Supplement outdoor experiential learning

What to Order/Product Contents

Order one Facilitator Guide per trainer and one Participant Guide per team member. Whiteout Facilitator Guide includes everything you need to run a successful training session from start to finish, including administrative guidelines, step-by-step facilitator instructions for a 2-hour workshop,

HRDQ Experiential Learning Model™, information about consensus decision making and synergy, a complete Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation and slideshow, sample Participant Guide, reproducible masters, and more.

Attribute name Attribute value
FORMAT Simulation
OBJECTIVE To develop group process skills needed to achieve team synergy
AUDIENCE Teams and individuals at all levels