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The Values Preference Indicator helps identify the values that are most important to you and learn why they are. Understand how to increase your fulfilment and happiness in life. Develop a specific action plan that will move you toward bringing your most important values alive.
Live with HONOUR by knowing the RULES that you and your clients live by
Leaders make wise yet surprisingly quick decisions. How? They know their Core Values beforehand.
• Identify the values that are most important to you and learn why.
• Understand how to increase your fulfilment and happiness in life.
• Develop a specific action plan that will move you toward living your most important values.
When you understand what your values are, confusion disappears and inner clarity develops. The Values Preference Indicator (VPI) identifies those core values. When you know someone else’s Core Values and can match them with your own, you can build trust and understanding. You may have the right person for the right job; now can you TRUST him or her? Find out how much.
Use the VPI to
• Make a Decision with Confidence
• Build Teams
• Build Trust
• Live up to Your Own Values and Expectations
Use it for
• Employees/Supervisors
• Prospective Partners, Business and Personal
• Clients
• Yourself.