Positive workplace politics – Navigating the Maze successfully
The online assessment to help people manage their workplace politics more effectively.
The assessment responses drive the design of an individualised profile that provides information on:
- Your workplace and what level of political behaviour you face;
- An introduction to the nature of workplace politics;
- A personal profile on the level of your political competence; and
- Information on your personal Goal Alignment related to that of your organisation.
You also receive a Route Map with ideas, techniques and practical suggestions on how to manage your workplace politics even more effectively and to turn what is a negative for many people into a positive for the individual, their teams and their organisations – A Win/Win for all
An online assessment covering the challenging subject of workplace politics. The co-authors have been specialising in this area for over 20 years.
The start point is a belief that workplace politics can be a positive experience for everybody. The reality for many people however is just the opposite. The political environment can be described as a Maze that becomes very confusing for a lot of people and requires high level skills to manage successfully. Many people report being stuck in this Maze which they cannot get out of, or cannot get into, or not feeling safe when in it. These online assessments provide useful ways in which to manage workplace politics, in a POSITIVE way that is both good for them and their organisation.
One of the 12 categories of Emotional Intelligence is Organisational Awareness. These assessments focus on this category and are a powerful tool to help develop their skills in workplace politics.
The online assessment, which takes approximately 20 minutes to complete, provides 56 statements to be rated and produces a personalised profile that measures and provides information on:
- Your workplace – how political?
- Your own goal alignment and what this may mean for you
- Your political competence which is split into three key areasA ‘Route Map’ which contains a multitude of practical tools, techniques, skills and processes for you to use in your workplace.
- Beliefs
- Behaviours
- Building Blocks
- There are also various templates for you to download which can be shared with your colleagues and a Navigation Plan that will guide individuals on what they need to do differently in the workplace, to be even more effective.
The unique design includes a short, optional follow up webinar with a Licensed workplace politics facilitator who will provide additional support, information and direction. This process provides a powerful and clear methodology that will prove useful to the individual and their teams for many years to come.
The assessment is online and the personalised report is produced immediately for online review and downloading if required. It contains comprehensive and practical information on development options that can be implemented in the workplace.
The follow up webinar can be arranged for a time that suits the individual.