Selling Skills Inventory Facilitator Guide

£175.50 excl VAT

Code: 810G

Facilitator Guide comprises of Binder with CD and Participant Workbook. Selling Skills Inventory is based on The Collaborative Selling Process Model. The steps and skills comprising the Model are all grounded in behavioural science research and have been found to distinguish sales reps who are more successful at achieving their sales objectives from those who are less successful (DeMarco & Maginn, 1982; Rackham & Morgan, 1977; and Biomedical Business International).

Facilitator Guide:

• Administrative guidelines

• Theoretical background

• Selling Environment Matrix Model

• The Collaborative Selling Process Model

• Experiential learning/training methodology

• Selling Situation Scales and Rationales

• Normative data

• Workshop design

• Preparation checklist

• Training design option

• Training outline template

• Optional activities

• Sample copy of Participant Guide

• CD-ROM containing Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation and reproducible masters, including a Certificate of Achievement, Training Evaluation, participant handouts, and overhead transparency masters

• Convenient binder format

Attribute name Attribute value
FORMAT Binder with CD and Participant Workbook
OBJECTIVE To improve selling skills
AUDIENCE Anyone involved in face-to-face sales
TIME REQUIRED 1 to 3 hours
AUTHOR Kenneth R. Phillips

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