The Problem Solving products include a wide range of inventories, assessments, simulations and games. They can be used for personal and team development, helping participants increase their understanding of problem solving styles and skills. Each resource has a comprehensive Facilitator Guide available.
This section helps you answer the question of “How do you solve everyday problems and still leave time for more complex issues?” Using the games and simulations provides a fun and interesting way to address performance blockages and identify practical approaches to improve individual and team efficiency and effectiveness.
Includes facilitator guide, workshop instructions, sample participant materials, and PowerPoint presentation
What ethical type are you? Can you identify, articulate, and defend the ethical principles that govern and influence your ethical and moral decision-making?
The Facilitator Guide includes theoretical background, the intuitive decision-making model, administrative guidelines, a sample training design, and transparency masters.
When leaders face situations where they need to make critical decisions, they typically tend to search for the best ways to carry out a conscious strategy. However, there are times when disposing of the items in one’s in-basket often requires almost instantaneous decision making.
In these moments, leaders need to pause for a few moments to decide before actually delving into the situation itself. In this sense, awareness precedes meaningful choice.
The Participative Management Profile (PMP) provides employees with the exact guidelines needed to execute confident decisions.