Leadership Effectiveness Profile (optional 360 feedback) – Online Self-Assessment Credit


Category: Online Assessments
Code: CR6310

Online Assessment Option: Order One Per Participant.

The online assessment is administered to participants through the online portal (which you will be sent access to) and includes personalised reporting, full-colour charts, interpretive information, worksheets, and action planning. A detailed report is delivered electronically to the facilitator/administrator when complete. The trainer can control if the participant can access their report.

You will receive the assessment link/info via a separate email.

If you have purchased a single credit you'll receive an email that contains a link to complete the assessment, once your order is processed. If you require this single assessment link to be sent to someone other than yourself, please put a note when ordering.
If you've ordered multiple credits, we will contact you with your portal access details for you to distribute assessments to your participants (Project set up available if required. Please see below)


Leadership Effectiveness Profile Online Assessment is a 96 item, online questionnaire which produces a report on results in 8 leadership competencies. The assessment report produces coaching tips for development areas and provides worksheets for leadership development planning. You can also gain feedback on this report by sending out a link to observers - your peers, supervisors, direct reports and others, to capture 360 feedback.

Leadership is a word on everyone’s lips!

Leadership Excellence is the subject of a great many books and journal articles, but there is no widespread agreement on what an individual needs to be or do in order to succeed in this area. Fortunately, several themes emerge in the published work of some of the best thinkers on the subject of Leadership Excellence.

Out of the thousands of human behaviours, there are only a handful that can be directly tied to effective and even outstanding leadership. The Leadership Effectiveness Profile focuses on eight most-often-cited behaviours or attitudes. We will refer to them as “competencies” or competency areas—the main factors that generally determine the relative success of an individual's efforts to lead others in a wide variety of situations, ranging from leading a soccer team or a Fortune 500 company to leading an ad-hoc team of citizens pushing for a new school. No one piece of the puzzle is enough for effective leadership; each piece works in combination with the others to reveal a fully integrated model. When all eight competencies are present, the individual's effectiveness as a leader will be obvious. Improving performance in all eight of these competency areas will make each of us better able to lead.

• Emotional intelligence

• Contextual thinking

• Directional clarity

• Creative assimilation

• Change orchestration

• People enablement

• Reciprocal communication

• Driving persistence

The Profile

This questionnaire is a competency-based diagnostic instrument to help individuals understand more fully their relative skills in this critical area. The eight competency areas that contribute to good (or bad) leadership in the list above are treated separately and then combined to create the individual's overall profile.

Each of the competencies is explained briefly in the paragraph under each respective heading. It should be remembered that every statement in each area acts as an “aspirational” goal for those wishing to improve their skills in areas where they wish they were stronger. In other words, the twelve statements describe not only the competency, but also what the person should aim to “almost always” do in order to be effective. Allowing participating individuals to assess their current ability at a detailed level, and then determine which competencies require more attention or focus to improve.

When to Use the Leadership Effectiveness Profile

  • With Leadership and management candidates.
  • As an introduction to leadership training activity to expose participants to the full breadth of important leadership behaviours.
  • With leaders and managers who may have stalled in their thinking and need to be re-energised.
  • With leaders and managers who are experiencing performance problems.
  • As the centre piece of either a 1-day facilitated training on leadership or with the LEP Workshop in more comprehensive 2 to 3 day leadership training.


  •         Leadership report — Includes a 10/10 report that lists your top ten strengths and top ten development needs, in rank order.
  •         Flexibility – This multi-rater assessment can be used as a leader’s self-assessment or with supervisors, peers, and direct reports for 360-degree feedback.
  •         Standardised — The LEP questionnaire and report format is standardised with 9 different competency-based, online assessments that are part of this package. Standardised administration and report formats shorten the learning curve for participants who may use several of these assessments over the course of a year.
  •         Easy to administer – The online administrative component is easy for both administrators and participants, yet provides administrators key control over the distribution of results.
  •         Relevant feedback – Rather than providing just simple lists of strengths and weaknesses, the LEP provides development needs imbedded in development planning templates that help make it easy for participants to take their next steps.


  •         Measures 8 core leadership competencies through 96 items, with either self or 360 degree feedback.
  •         Each behavioural item in the assessment is a positive leadership behaviour.
  •         Worded in simple, understandable and behavioural terms allowing any participant, regardless of education or English language proficiency, to understand and provide accurate ratings.
  •         The report itself is broken into six smaller reports.  Reports begin with summary competency scores and drill down to behavioural specifics including coaching tips for development and course and reading suggestions.
  •         In the online format, there is no limit to the number of raters who can be invited to provide feedback.
Attribute name Attribute value
FORMAT Online Assessment
OBJECTIVE To help individuals determine their ability to lead more effectively
AUDIENCE All organisational members
AUTHOR Dr. Jon Warner, B.A., M.B.A.