Interpersonal Influence Inventory

Do you want to increase your influence and impact?

Influence is a daily part of life, from resolving misunderstandings to negotiating complex deals and leading teams. And while there are several different styles of interpersonal influence, research shows that assertive behaviour has the greatest impact on individual success and organisational performance.

The perfect resource for anybody who feels their opinion carries too little weight. We all exercise a level of influence; the Interpersonal Influence Inventory will help to understand the elements that make up your style and the potential impact you are likely to have.

Picture of Interpersonal Influence Inventory Version Four

Interpersonal Influence Inventory Version Four


Paper Assessment: Order One Per Participant.

The print version is ideal for facilitators who prefer to oversee scoring and administration of the assessment if you don't know who the participants will be before the class begins, or if your learners do not have easy access to computers. It includes pressure-sensitive forms for scoring to aid manual tabulation, and includes interpretive information, worksheets, and action planning.

Code: 101
Picture of Interpersonal Influence Inventory Facilitator Set

Interpersonal Influence Inventory Facilitator Set

£175.50 excl VAT

Facilitator Guide: Order One Guide Per Trainer.

The Facilitator Guide is designed as a resource booklet for participants. Arranged in an instrument/workbook format, the Facilitator Guide contains a 40-item assessment, a scoring form, a description of the "Interpersonal Influence Model" and the four influence styles, charting of results, and an interpretation section.

Code: 101G
Picture of Interpersonal Influence Inventory Online Self-Assessment Credit

Interpersonal Influence Inventory Online Self-Assessment Credit


Online Assessment Option: Order One Per Participant.

The online assessment is administered to participants through the online portal (which you will be sent access to) and includes personalised reporting, full-colour charts, interpretive information, worksheets, and action planning. A detailed report is delivered electronically to the facilitator/administrator when complete. The trainer can control if the participant can access their report.

You will receive the assessment link/info via a separate email.

Code: CR101