Coaching Skills Inventory Theoretical Background


Code: 528 Background

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Coaching Skills Inventory is based on the Coaching Meeting Model. The steps and skills that make up the Model are all grounded in behavioral science and have been found to distinguish managers who are experts at conducting coaching meetings from their non-expert counterparts. (Orth et al., 1987; Fournies, 1978; and Stowell & Starcevich, 1987).

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Learning Outcomes

• Identify strengths and weaknesses in specific coaching meeting skills

• Impact employee job performance using the model for effective coaching meetings

• Measure progress by comparing skills after training to those before taking the assessment.

How It Works

The inventory presents 18 typical coaching situations. Individuals choose the actions they would most likely take, generating an overall Coaching-Effectiveness Profile. Subscores measure effectiveness in each of the 7 steps of the Coaching Meeting Model process. Next, participants learn a proven meeting model to improve their performance. Finally, a post-training assessment (located in the Facilitator Guide) serves as a basis for comparison.

Uses for the Coaching Skills Inventory

The Coaching Skills Inventory instrument is appropriate for use with individual managers, a group of managers or supervisors in a department or work unit, or all the managers in an entire organisation. It can also be used with prospective managers to help them prepare for their future coaching responsibilities. Among its many applications, the Coaching Skills Inventory can be used to:

• Introduce a new performance management system

• Help managers identify their coaching strengths and weaknesses

• Reinforce coaching skills training after a training event

• Compare pre- and post-training skills during a training event .

Participant Guide includes:

• 18-item inventory

• Pressure-sensitive response form

• 7-step Coaching Meeting Model

• Interpretive information

• Chart to plot profile

• Action planning.


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FORMAT Download
AUTHOR Kenneth R. Phillips