Learning Outcomes:
- Identify your personal selling-style; Direct, Spirited, Systematic, or Considerate
- Understand how to leverage style strengths and avoid trouble spots
- Learn the clues to determine customers’ personal styles
- Discover how to adjust to match the customer’s style
- Find out how to sell to any personal style
Special Features
Step-by-step one and a half hour workshop, 3 optional workshop activities, alternative training design, interpretive guide, action planning, PowerPoint® presentation, reproducible masters, wall-chart template, guidelines for using the e-assessment, and more.
What’s My Selling Style? and the other titles in the HRDQ Style Series™ are based on the well-known research and personality theories of psychologists Carl Jung, William Moulton Marston, and others. Most research has identified two basic dimensions of style, which we refer to as assertiveness and expressiveness. Assertiveness is the effort a person makes to influence or control the thoughts or actions of others. Expressiveness is the effort that a person makes to control his or her emotions and feelings when relating to others.
How It Works
What’s My Selling Style? can be self-administered and self-scored. Individuals are asked to respond to 20 statements. Results reveal a preference for one of 4 personal selling styles. Response time takes approximately 10-15 minutes. Scoring can be completed in 5-10 minutes.
It includes the potential strengths and trouble spots of each style, and also offers a quick guide for identifying a customer’s personal style, information about selling to every style, and an explanation of how to adjust personal style to match the customer. Finally, an action planning section helps individuals to focus on improving selling rapport with a customer who's style is different from their own.
What to order: You will need 1 Paper or Online assessment per participant. For maximum benefit, purchase 1 Facilitator Guide per trainer.
Uses for What’s My Selling Style?
What’s My Selling Style? is appropriate for all salespeople, in any type of organisation. It can be used as a stand-alone training tool or as component in any sales-related training programmes. Effective uses include:
- Icebreaker
- Basic skill building
- Motivator or refresher for experienced salespeople