Negotiating Style Profile-Self-Online Sample Report


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Introduce the theory and practice of collaborative negotiation with the Negotiating Style Profile (NSP). Based on Ury and Fisher’s win-win model, the NSP offers a simple framework for determining one’s negotiating style and the likely effect of that style in a negotiating situation. Ultimately, participants will learn to focus on those skills and methods that are likely to produce synergistic outcomes.

Learning Outcomes

• Understand 5 styles of negotiating

• Identify personal negotiating characteristics

• Learn why a win-win approach is most effective

• Gather peer feedback about one’s negotiating style


The Model of Negotiating Styles at the center of Negotiating Style Profile is based on relevant literature on negotiating practices, including Getting to Yes, by Roger Fisher and William Ury. These sources reveal that both concern for the outcome of the negotiation and concern for the relationship appear to represent the most important behaviours a negotiator can employ in an actual negotiation. Furthermore, it is clear that a negotiator cannot be effective in both the short and long terms if he or she emphasises one set of concerns to the exclusion of the other.

How It Works

Using the Participant Guide, individuals can create 2 profiles. The first profile is based on an assessment of their own preferences for one of 5 negotiating styles: Defeat, Withdraw, Accommodate, Compromise, or Collaborate. The optional second profile, based on scores compiled from the peer Feedback Form, provides additional insight, as many people who think they are collaborative learn that their associates may disagree.

Participant Guide includes:

• 30-item assessment

• Pressure-sensitive response form

• Interpretive information

• The Model of Negotiating Styles

• Characteristics of the 5 styles

• Action planning - NEW!