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Leaders are made, not born.
The head of every successful organisation consistently tones and maintains his leadership muscle. The Leadership Skills Inventory (LSI-S) provides leaders with the necessary metrics to develop their transformational leadership skills.
Use the LSI to:
• Increase a Leader’s impact
• Measure and strengthen their skills
• Increase productivity and teamwork
• Develop the art of leadership.
Use it for:
• The Leader
• Prospective Partners/Entrepreneurs
• Coaches/Trainers
• Managers/Supervisors.
Using this instrument, you can
• Establish your agreement to the 12 Transforming Leadership Principles
• Evaluate your proficiency level in any of the 60 Transforming Leadership Skills
• Assess your level of functioning in each of the five skills sections, and
• determine your overall level of Leadership competency.
Through the LSI–S, you can become more confident, better equipped, and more effective with a wider range of individuals, teams, and organisations.
Use it to support your leaders in their journey to become inspiring, motivating transformational leaders. The LSI–S was not designed to assess your ability in technical or operational managerial areas. The LSI–S will help you gain insight and formulate a solid leadership-development plan in 50 to 60 minutes. As you proceed through the pages of this tool, you will see strengths you can maximise and identify areas that need to be worked on.