Ten scenarios representing common workplace conflict situations measure an individual’s typical response strategy. Scores reveal a personal Conflict Strategies Profile.The assessment also includes a tear-out form for quick scoring and useful interpretive information.
The Conflict Strategies Inventory (CSI) A combination self-assessment, workbook, and classroom workshop, the Conflict Strategies Inventory (CSI) improves an individual’s ability to successfully handle workplace conflict. Based on more than 35 years of research, this training tool explores five different strategies.
The 5 different Conflict Strategies
- Avoiding - Staying away from or withdrawing from a conflict
- Smoothing - Giving in to the other party and ignoring one’s own goals
- Competing - Forcing an issue to one’s own way
- Compromising - Giving in on one need in order to get another satisfied
- Integrating - Focusing on one mutually satisfying outcome.
Completely updated and enhanced, the new third edition features a fully revised, full-colour facilitator guide, comprehensive participant workbook, new options for virtual administration or self-study learning, support materials, and so much more. Packed with extensive interpretive information, hands-on activities, skill development, and action-planning, there isn’t a better way to equip individuals with the knowledge and insight they need to address conflict in any situation. It’s most appropriate for people in the midst of workplace conflict, but all individuals, from frontline employees to team members and managers, will find this tool immensely helpful.
Learning Outcomes
- Pinpoint one's preferred strategy for managing conflict
- Discover the five different ways people respond to conflict
- Understand how and when to utilize the Integrating strategy
- Learn and practice when to use alternative strategies
- Create a development plan to put the learning into action.
The Conflict Strategies Inventory (CSI) combines the works of Robert Blake and Jane Mouton, M. Afzalur Rahim, and many other respected researchers in the area of conflict management. It is based on 5 conflict strategies that are adapted from the conflict styles originally named by Mouton and Blake.
These strategies can be described in terms of two stages of a conflict encounter: Stage 1: Non-Compatible Goals and Stage 2: Outcomes.
What to order: You will need 1 paper or online assessment per participant. For maximum benefit, purchase 1 Facilitator Guide per trainer. Purchase 1 Workbook per participant as a comprehensive takeaway that includes critical content, worksheets, and forms used during the workshop, as well as additional tools for on-the-job use.
How It Works
Individuals respond to 10 conflict-oriented work situations presented in the inventory. For each situation, individuals choose 3 out of 5 strategies and rank them in order of most likely reaction to third most likely reaction, using a pressure-sensitive form. The Participant Guide provides further insight with interpretive data and questions for discussion. Ultimately, the CSI results allow individuals to view their preferred strategies and help them to consider modifying conflict strategies where appropriate.
Other uses for the CSI:
- Develop new approaches or solutions
- Bring long-standing problems out into the open
- Clarify thoughts and feelings
- Stimulate interest and creativity
- Stretch personal capabilities.