How It Works
The Campbell Leadership Descriptor (CLD) is a self-scoring questionnaire containing 40 adjectives. Each are focused on a specific leadership characteristic and are grouped into nine significant components.
The purpose of this survey is to help you think about the important components of leadership. The survey asks you to describe yourself along with two other individuals, one of whom you see as a good leader and one of whom you see as a poor leader.
After you complete and score the descriptor, you will use the 40 attributes to compare yourself to both a “good” leader and a “poor” leader you have known. The resulting profile will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, so you can define actions you can take to be a more successful leader.
What to order: You will need 1 paper or online assessment per participant. For maximum benefit, purchase 1 Facilitator Guide per trainer.
Uses and Applications
The CLD helps participants understand, identify, and apply the Six Major Task Components of Organisational Leadership and Three Personal Components of Organisational Leadership.
The Six Major Task Components of Organisational Leadership
- Vision: Establish the general tone and direction of the organisation
- Management: Set specific goals and focus organisational resources for achieving them
- Empowerment: Select and develop direct reports who are committed to the organisation’s goals
- Diplomacy: Forge coalitions with important internal and external constituencies: peers, superiors, direct reports, potential organisational allies, and other important outside decision-makers
- Feedback: Observe and listen carefully to clients, customers, voters, employees, students, and team members; and share the resulting information in a manner that those affected see as beneficial
- Entrepreneurialism: Find future opportunities, including increased revenues, expanded markets, or a higher probability of desirable outcomes, such as international peace, a healthier environment, or the creation of beauty, through mechanisms such as new projects, programs, or policies
The Three Personal Components of Organisational Leadership
- Personal Style: By personal example, set an overall organisational tone of competence, optimism, integrity, and inspiration
- Personal Energy: Live a disciplined, wholesome lifestyle that provides the necessary energy and durability to handle the physical demands of leadership, long hours, stressful decisions, and conflict
- Multicultural Awareness: Be experienced and comfortable working with individuals and managing organisations across different geographic, demographic, and cultural borders
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this assessment, participants will:
- Understand the major components of leadership
- Identify the characteristics of a successful leader
- Evaluate one's leadership strengths and weaknesses by comparing one's results to "good" and "poor" leaders
- Develop a personal action plan for improving leadership skills