ISO 9001:2000 Paraphrased


Category: Bookshelf
Code: 8310

Help your team quickly understand the nature and extent of the tasks they need to complete for ISO 9001:2000 registration. 33-pages.

Based on ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9001-2000 Quality Management Systems – Requirements

ISO 9001:2000 Standard Paraphrased presents the key information of the standard in a simple format while still remaining fully consistent with the meaning of the standard.

Each clause and sub-clause is succinctly explained, so that everyone involved in the ISO registration process can understand them, not just the experts. Wording that could be interpreted as statements of higher requirements are underlined to allow comparison to the requirements of previous ISO standards. Bulleted lists add value to the explanations without adding complexity to the text.

Features include:

• Concise paraphrasing of the clauses and sub-clauses of ISO 9001:2000

• Definitions of key terms

• Contact information to order the original text of ISO 9000 documents

• Biographies listing the authors’ credentials

When to Use ISO 9001:2000 Standard Paraphrased:

When used in conjunction with The Memory Jogger™ 9000/2000, ISO 9001:2000 Standard Paraphrased assists organisations in creating a robust quality management system.

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AUTHOR Robert W. Peach and Dr. Lawrence A. Wilson