Cave Without a Name Theoretical Background


Code: 242 Background
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Includes downloadable information about the specific methods and research used to develop and test Cave Without a Name.

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Teach the concept of team synergy with Cave Without a Name, a challenging adventure simulation that focuses on consensus decision making, problem solving, and managing group conflict. By comparing individual solutions to solutions reached by the group, participants experience first-hand the advantages of working as a team.

The Scenario

It was dark — really dark. Darker than you had ever experienced before. Not the ordinary night-time dark where you can still see a faint outline of your hand immediately in front of your eyes. But the absolute blackness of black, and that sent a nauseating little surge of panic into your gut.

Instinctively, members of the group reached out and found one another. The simple touch of others brought momentary relief to everyone’s growing terror — the terror of being trapped in one of the unexplored passageways of the Cave Without a Name.

Can your team survive with only its wits and 10 day-pack items?

Learning Outcomes

• Learn how to manage and resolve group conflict

• Hone group problem-solving skills

• Improve communication

• Discover the advantages of consensus decision-making.

Product Contents

Note: Cave Without a Name works best when participants are divided into teams of seven or fewer per table.

Participant Guide includes:

• Scenario description

• Pressure-sensitive response form

• Team synergy score chart

• Team discussion guidelines.

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FORMAT Download
AUTHOR HRDQ Research & Development Team