Dealing With Change Theoretical Background


Code: 2103 Background
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Effective Tools for Dealing with Change in the Workplace

A study of the relevant literature on change management inspired the model for Dealing with Change. The 5 Steps to Personal Change Management are based on the actions most often described in the literature as crucial for employees to take if they want to survive and thrive during organisational change.

Managers are often just as stressed as employees by the rigours of change and don't always have the time or the skills necessary to anticipate all of their employees' emotional and professional needs. So, too often, employees feel resentful, confused, fearful, or resistant – and the change effort stalls.

Dealing with Change offers a proactive, 5-step plan for coping with the challenges of organinational change. This business simulation takes a focused, personal, and proactive approach to managing the emotional side of change, helping employees learn how to regain a sense of control and turn negative emotions into positive actions.

How It Works

Through an introductory scenario, participants imagine that they are in the midst of a difficult and frustrating change initiative. Then they rank order a list of 12 action items that will help them to participate positively in the change effort. Participants compare their scores to the expert ranking and discover how well they are managing change. Finally, an easy-to-learn, 5-step plan shows them how to transfer the learning back on the job.

Learning Outcomes

• Learn 12 actions that will help regain a sense of control
• Discover how to turn negative emotions into constructive action
• Explore the benefits of a proactive approach to change management.

Attribute name Attribute value
FORMAT Download
OBJECTIVE To facilitate the orientation of new employees
AUDIENCE Newly hired or transferred employees
AUTHOR HRDQ Research & Development Team